Digital Art - 100 Pieces of Art Project


Digital Art - Sketch from Photo (1)

Black and White

Size 8.5x11 inches (Letter size PDF)

Please email image to

Please include the order # in your email.

1 revision


Example sketch of local musician Morgan Alyse from a still during the documentary of The Dirty Gerund Poetry Show Open Mic!

Looking for something to take your busy photo to a new level?

Turn the image into a sketch by sending it this way.

Please allow 2-4 weeks.




100 pieces of Art Project.

I'd like to create sketches of people, places, objects that are meaningful and located near Worcester MA, say 30 minutes. Something you have experienced that is joy. Be sure to mention 100 pieces of Art Project to officially submit the photo for use in the project. Let's search for sustainable and fair art as well as good things that are near.
